Welcome to WhichVPN.org

vpn provider

In the aftermath of Edward Snowden's NSA leaks, and with the UK introduction of the controversial Investigatory Powers Bill just around the corner, an increasing number of people are looking to protect their online privacy. The use of VPNs — Virtual Private Networks — has skyrocketed; VPNs are a cheap, effective way of safeguarding your online activity.

With a VPN, your connection to the Internet is made private; your data is encrypted and tunnelled through the VPN, allowing you to browse the Web without being snooped on: websites you visit cannot see your real IP address, and your ISP, government, and even hackers cannot see the sites you visit or content you download.

Many VPN providers have servers in multiple countries, allowing you to access media content that may otherwise be restricted — for example Netflix, Hulu, BBC iPlayer, Google Music and others.

WhichVPN gives you vital information about VPN providers that is regularly updated, including price, jurisdiction, server locations, payment options, supported protocols, and logging policy, so you can make an informed decision before you buy.

Using Your First VPN

The simple, step-by-step process of setting up PrivateInternetAccess VPN.


Software, browser extensions, and websites/services for the privacy conscious.

Use PGP on Windows with Gpg4win

Using PGP on Windows to encrypt and decrypt files and messages, with Gpg4win.